Sunday, January 30, 2005
The World Traveler (my other favorite child)

My Son, My Son

First Alaska, now the Carribean, next Europe. This is one lucky kid! I know I'm his mom, but he's handsome, too. He's the one on the left. This was taken the day that Yachting Magazine had a photo shoot on the Yacht. Matt thinks he may be in a few pictures when the issue comes out. I'll let you know.... Matt's your basic crew member on The Excellence III. Here's the link for the Yacht. He's rubbing elbows with the rich and famous; and not so famous, but rich. He's hit on Kirsten Dunst, and was rejected each time. But he had to try. You never know. He got to meet Rod Stewart while in St. Barths and had many other celebrity sightings. Matt's signed up for a one year tour. We last saw him early November, but hope to see him before April, when he's off for the Mediterranean.
Matt's taking advantage of this experience, knowing that he lucked into this opportunity. It's not what you know, it's who you know. Thank goodness Matt met the Cunningham boys. If that's the only thing Matt got out of Winthrop, well that was enough! Thanks, Luke, Josh and Alec! Luke was Matt's college roommate. He's the owner/producer of the band Part Time Hero's. Here's his link If you're ever in Charlotte, go hear the band!
Signing off. Proud Mama