Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Under the Banner of Heaven

This book is a must read. The Mormon faith is one of the fastest growing cults, I mean religion, and there's almost no proof or basis for sanity or reason in the faith.

The book is really about Fundamentalist Mormons. Those who broke away from Mormonism when the polygomy rule was abandoned. Mormons believe that you can directly speak to God, and that he speaks back. They believe that laws made by people can be broken, and after being thrown out of NY, MO and IL, they landed mostly in Utah, where they could be far away enough from the public to create their own cities and do their own things. Utah Mormon territory is run by Mormon based post office, Mormon police force, Mormon city workers. They believe that you can have lots of wives, lots of kids, live off the state, and if God tells you to murder, why then you must.

This book is about a few men who murdered a brother's wife and child because she was disagreeing with her husband's Fundamentalist ways. She ended up divorcing the guy, and the result was murder.

It's an eye opener, and while most Mormon's don't kill, the book lets you into their world and mind. Quite fascinating. Even though it's disturbing.
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